BS Rural Engineering (Full-Time)
10 Apr 2017BS Rural Engineering (Full-Time)
Programme code: | Duration: | Programme manager: |
BS-RE-FT | 24 Months | Dr Hans Guillaume |
There is a part time version of this programme available (programme code BS-RE-PT). Please contact Dr Hans Guillaume for further information.
Total credits: 42
Entry requirements:
Normally at least 3 years agriculture science degree from “Faculté d’Agronomie et de Médecine Vétérinaire” and prerequisites in mathematics and sciences are required, which students have to take in their first three years at FAMV.
Compulsory modules:
Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules:
GNR01 | Analyse numérique | 48 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR02 | Complément d'hydrologie | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR03 | Dessin technique | 96 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR04 | Ecoulement à surface libre | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR05 | Ecoulement en charge | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR06 | Electritcité et Electronique | 96 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR07 | Géologie de l'Ingénieur | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR08 | Géothechnique | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR09 | Gestion des déchets | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR10 | Informatique II | 96 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR11 | Laboratoire d'hydraulique | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR12 | Mathématiques de l'Ingénieur | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR13 | Mécanique des fluides | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR14 | Phénomène de transfert | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR15 | Recherche opérationnelle | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR16 | Résistance des matériaux | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR17 | Stage en exploitation agricole | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR18 | Statique et résistance des matériaux | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR19 | Technique de préparation de mémoire | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR20 | Thermodynamique | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR21 | Traitement des eaux | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR22 | Travaux pratiques d'irrigation | 48 hours | Session 1 |
Compulsory modules:
Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules
GNR23 | Amélioration des sols | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR24 | Aménagement des bassins versants | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR25 | Aménagement des parcs | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR26 | Béton armé I & II | 96 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR27 | Construction II | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR28 | Digues et Barrages | 96 hours | Session 1 & 2 |
GNR29 | Drainage II | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR30 | Ecoulement en milieu poreux | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR31 | Elaboration & evaluation de projets | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR32 | Electrification rurale | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR33 | Gestion des exploitations agricoles | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR34 | Gestion des petits périmètres irrigués | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR35 | Hydraulique fluviale | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR36 | Hydrogéologie | 48 hours | Session 2 |
GNR37 | Irrigation II | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR38 | Climatisation | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR39 | Marché des produits agricoles | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR40 | Routes agricoles | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR41 | Stage diagnostic | 48 hours | Session 1 |
GNR42 | Technologie du bois | 48 hours | Session 2 |